The Concise Art of Seduction
International Bestseller

The Concise Art of Seduction

Seduction is the most clusive, subtle and effective form of power that exists.
  • Rs.2,590.00
  • Rs.2,490.00


The Concise Art of Seduction by Robert Greene is a distilled version of his bestselling book The Art of Seduction. It explores the psychology of attraction, influence, and persuasion, offering practical strategies drawn from history’s greatest seducers. With insights into human nature and power dynamics, this book is a guide to mastering charm, confidence, and subtle manipulation in personal and professional relationships. Perfect for those who want a quick yet powerful introduction to the art of persuasion.

  • Availability: In Stock | Item Code: Book
Book Information
Author(s) Robert Greene
Cover Paper Back
ISBN 9781861976413
Pages 205

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